Truman and Biden

I have voted in every congressional and presidential race since 1964, when I voted for Lyndon Johnson, having been too young to vote for JFK in 1960, however much I was hyped up for him, particularly taken with his patrician charm and that of his wife at the time of the Democratic Convention even though I had previously been a supporter for a third nomination of Adlai Stevenson and distrusted the right wing contacts and anti-FDR positions of his father. I couldn’t vote at that time because the voting age was 21 until it was reduced by constitutional amendment to 18 in response to young men having been drafted to fight the war in Vietnam. I was inspired by a telethon (really a radiothon) I heard during the campaign of 1948 where the broadcaster told of a couple that drove a hundred miles to a polling station so that they could vote with one spouse voting Democratic and the other Republican, and so canceling one another out, but both having participated in the electoral process. I still take that ideal seriously. Voting shows citizens have agency, that we the people empower the government, whether wisely or not. I still think that the best way to deal with the lingering of Trump is not with the courts or lawsuits or Congress but in having the people he supports soundly defeated in November.

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